Monday, January 3, 2011

Our farm

A little about me. My name is Jeanne and I have 3 children. My son is special needs and approaching 18 very fast. My other 2 are both daughters. My oldest one has a son and my youngest who will become a teenager in a matter of days are as different as night and day. My husband, Steve, does construction.

Our farm consists of 50 acres. We have dogs, bunnies, cats, chickens and of course horses. We board some and some are our own. As time goes by you will meet everyone here on the farm. Animals as well as the kids.

I don't garden or anything like that. But I do love crafts, card making, scrapbooking and sewing. I use to have a business called the Country Thimble down in the Chicago area. I think I will share some of my things on here to with you.